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I Always Remember My Dreams

I want to share my experience with my dreams. Dream as in “vision” or “nightmare”, not dream as in “ambition” or “aspiration”. Talking about dreams with someone is always dull; it is not interesting since one cannot relate to another person’s dream. Ultimately, they always talk about how dreams sometimes could be absurd or “dreaming in a dream” situation. It is still a great topic to discuss, but the number of times I talked about it is why it is so dull.  I plan to dedicate my blog to talking about my dream experience for a while. I have so many options of topics to post. In this post, I will list every topic I could imagine for future reference. Here is my list of ideas: My ability to remember my dreams. Do I remember how things smell? How can dreams sometimes be so vivid? How dreams relate to real-world memories and how sleeping conditions could affect dreams (imagine having a dream where you really need to go to the bathroom!). Why do I have the ability to remember my dream? I ...
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I Want to Try New Things

  Hello, everyone! Long time no see... This is the first post that I don't use Google Translate, so forgive me if you find any mistakes or bad grammar. My Grammarly account is also not premium, so I could only hope that you will understand what I was trying to say.  The time I write this passage is at 1:57 PM on 9 February 2022. 


Hello, Guys! Today I want to talk about Dewa Athena. Dewa Athena is an event for students of SMAN 3 Bandung to see who is the best in each branch on this event. Until this year, Dewa Athena has been executed as many as 8 times. This year, my first Dewa Athena I've participated in it, has been the 9th Dewa Athena. It was held on 23-25 March and 8 April. This activity was followed by all students of SMAN 3 Bandung, except for the third graders.  The sports that fill this event are Basketball, Badminton, Soccer, Volleyball, Running, Gobak Sodor, Thug of War, and Dodgeball. The competition is a form of tournament, so the classes eliminate each other until there are only  2 teams, they will compete in the finals which will be held on Saturday, 8 April 2017. I become a committe on this event, so I must to come to the Bali Field at Bali street on 23-24 March 2017. I was tasked to secure the place and ensure the smooth running of the activities in the field. It is a d...


Hello, everybody! In this post, I want to give you some cross word to test your ability to do crosswords. It will not be too hard, but not too easy. Just try to do this crossword puzzle! ACROSS 1.     Causal Conjunction 2.     Happy; enjoyment 3.     To form a hole by moving soil 4.       Holy book of Islam 5.    A pattern of sound in music 6.    Road vehicle 7.      Unexpected and chosen by chances 8.   To stop someone for being killed 9.   To show enjoyment of something 10.   A substance in a form like air 11.   A large, angry crowd 12.   To show an exact position 13.   To move by turning over 14.   To steal things 15.   Only; simply 16.   Used to be DOWN 1.     To discover(past) 2.    Intelligent quotient 3.      Related to drawing or painting 4.    A young ...

Save Our Nature, Save Our Life

Hello, Peeps!  In this post I would to write an essay about "Learn from Nature". It is the duty of my teacher in order to arouse the public of the importance of keeping and maintaining the environment. What I write here is just my opinion. And I accept criticism and suggestions from the readers.  Hopefully with the essay that I wrote this can change the views of people in a positive direction and put into practice in daily life. Alright, peeps. Hope you all enjoy it! Learn from Nature Nature, what it is? everyone surely has its own view of nature. Although many of the opinions expressed by the experts , we are often looking for the meaning of things, including in this case, nature. Nature means the whole of things that are all around us. Nature means us, and we-humans-are part of nature itself. F eeling confused ? of course not , you can be your own conclusion, right? We live in a very large system, all aspects in it interrelate...

Thanks aunt

Sincerely my auntie, I want to thank you for helping me doing a task from the teacher. On this Monday, I was given the task to paint something from my teacher. But I didn't have any painting tools. I certainly need the money to buy the painting tools. When I asked money to you, you gave me money more than enough to buy the painting tools. It doesn't happen only once, but you do it twice. After I bought the painting tools and start to paint, you encouraged me. And then, when I finished the painting. You praised me so that I feel proud of my work. Thank you very much for your help, your affection, and your efforts to make me happy. Your beloved nephew, Milzam K. Basith

Liburan Seru

Hello, guys!  Nice to meet you. Welcome back to my blog after this long holiday. Today I would like to tell you about my holiday. Especially on the last days of my holiday before I go back to school. Because I became committe of an event. The title of the event was "Liburan Seru". Because it was my first event on my last school in Madrasah that I was became committe as an alumnus. It was held in Karacak Valley, Garut on Saturday, 7 january 2017 until Sunday. The goal of the event was to make the participants became compact, creative, and happy. I planned the whole arrangement of activities with my friends which responsible to setting the event. For 4 days I discussed about how the activity will be held. The next day, on Saturday I went to Garut using a motorcycle with my friends. In the schedule that we made, we should leave Bandung on 5 o`clock and arrive in Karacak Valley onn 9 am. But, because the transportation problem, we arrived there on 12 o`clock. So, we mus...